The unit is now run twice a year in intensive format during Summer and Winter School (February & July).
M.Couns. B.Christ.Stud. Assoc.Deg.Theo
Andrea joined the faculty in 2021 and lectures in Group Dynamics and Facilitation, and Mental Health Management. In addition, she delivers Mental Health First Aid for Morling on behalf of Mental Health First Aid Australia.
In addition to lecturing, Andrea works as counsellor and neurofeedback clinician in private practice. She has previously worked as a pastor and school chaplain.
Andrea is a graduate of Morling College. She lives on the South Coast with her husband Dean, and they have three adult children.
Lower Ground Floor
The Hub Building
BaptistCare Retirement Village
Eucalyptus Street Macquarie Park NSW 2113
02 8197 1746
Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm Out-of-hours appointments available upon request.
© 2021 The Ezra Centre